Game - 2021/22 - U18 - 20220401 - MJC @ Konz

MJC 71
@ Konz 51

Konz was the other team from our region that had made it as a second seed to the Rheinland Meisterschaften, the state's final eight.  MJC played a lot of our non-starters so that they could get some significant playtime, and yet the game was not even close, even more so than the final score may indicate. 

Statistics for Roman Porr

Show Extended Stats and Best-Stats
Pts FG M FG A FG % eFG % 3pt M 3pt A 3pt % 2pt M 2pt A 2pt % FT M FT A FT % Reb Tot Reb Def Reb Off AST STL BLK TO FLS EFF TS % Time Comment
16 5 13 38% 46% 2 8 25% 3 5 60% 4 4 100% 5 4 1 5 4 0 2 2 20 54% 31

NOTE: 3-POINTERS ARE FROM NCAA/FIBA DISTANCE (22ft 1.75in, 6.75m), not US Highschool distance (19ft 9in, 6.02m).

 Explanation of "Summary", "Partial" and all abreviations.
Summary, Total, Average: based on full stats taken from video or scoring app. Partial: no video, only partial stats from league-website. incl. Partial: total of full and partial stats.
PTS Points; FT Free Throws (Made|Attempt|%); FG Field Goals (Made|Attempt|%); 2pt 2-points (Made|Attempt|%); 3pt 3-points (Made|Attempt|%); Reb Rebounds (Total|Defensive|Offensive); AST Assists; STL Steals; BLK Blocks; TO Turn Overs;
Expanded Stats: FLS Fouls; eFG Effective Field Goal Rate; EFF Efficiency Rating; TS % True Shooting Percentage